I am a wellbeing coach and yoga teacher who believes in creating the life of your dreams, finding your own balance, and the healing power of salt water.
“The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.”
Isak Dinesen
As a wellbeing coach and yoga teacher,
My mission is to help you step into self-worth & self-trust so you can materialize a life you love, confidently share your gifts with the world and make it a better place.
Have you ever made New Year’s resolutions?* If yes, you know how hard it is to actually do & keep them. Despite your best intentions, it never seems to truly work. *heart-crushing disappointment*
*Don’t lie! I know you did. And yes it does count if it was only once when you were 10.
When it comes to breaking cycles, waving goodbye to impostersyndrome, giving the middle finger to perfectionism, setting boundaries and all the other hard-but-oh-so-needed things, there are two types of people:
The ones who never start because their whole life is such a mess and everything feels too intertwined & complicated to even fathom a starting point.
The ones who do start but whose motivation quickly fades and it always feels like they’re back where they started *womp womp*.
And then, there’s a third type of people. The ones who are in the “life-is-ok-but-not-so-great” vibe. They have this feeling that it could definitely be better, but they have literally no idea what’s keeping them from living their best life. And because they don’t know what the issue is, they can’t start. And this is as frustrating as a DJ skipping the best part of their fave song.
But there comes a point where you realize that this beige* life and trying to figure things out alone have to stop. Because you deserve a life as bright as the sun and asking for support when you need is a power move, honey!
*Don’t get me wrong! I absolutely Iove beige, but only for clothes and design.
Open-minded & ambitious people
And this also includes you. Change only happens when you’re ready to see life from a different perspective and when you don’t settle for less than you deserve. And honey, let me tell you that you deserve anything that makes your heart happy!
Kindness, compassion & acceptance
Growth should be a compassionate and heart-centered journey. You and I will root every session in unconditional love, compassion, and acceptance for who you are right now.
Safety & responsibility
Whether you come to a coaching session or a yoga practice, I do my best to create a safe space to support your growth. However, I believe that you are responsible for the actions you decide to engage in.
But my real gift isn’t just to guide you through a sun salutation and help you set clear goals. It’s seeing you for who you truly are and being deeply sensitive to the emotions in the room.
How did I get here?
I know what it’s like to have this tiny voice in your head judging and shaming you!
Born as a cancer, my deep sensitivity to emotions made me extremely empathetic and compassionate. I was kind of destined to become a caretaker and a nurturer!
When I was a child, I would feel deep sadness for the teddy bears that were left alone, the dying plants and the crushed snails. No wonder my top 2 character strengths are kindness and love. I think that’s why I ended up studying psychology since high school.
Long story short, I went to university, chose English as my major and Psychology as my minor because I wanted to become a teacher. I became passionate about linguistics and the power of words* and even more passionate about psychology. However, I always felt like being a psychotherapist wasn’t exactly for me and being a teacher seemed too constraining.
Between my BA and MA I completed my Yoga Teacher Training in the Costa Rican rainforest. This was the beginning of my ob-se-ssion with the mind and body connection when it comes to healing and growing.
*How can words shape our experience of the world?!
When I discovered coaching, it was a true Aha moment. It appeared to me like the perfect way to guide people and share my gifts. And Tadaaa: MSc. in Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. A lot of healing and growth work later and here I am!
Now, I use psychology, linguistics, movements, and breath to guide and support people who are ready to step into their power and start their journey to growth. The best part? I get to create authentic and trusting connections.
This is
Our jack of all trades!
He’s a professional stuff maker. Anything you see that’s beautiful? It was probably made by him ! The pictures, the videos, the music, the design, the website. It’s all him. He’s also Nunam’s biggest supporter and we love him for that! You should definitely check his work!
Let’s get intimate
Omnivert, Manifesting generator, Learning addict & Recovering people pleaser.
I’m at my happiest
by the ocean, wearing close to nothing
I’m obsessed with
babies (fur babies included)
Life is all about
finding your own balance
Introvert, Essentialist, Maven, Projector, Cancer & Recovering hyper-rationalist.
I’m at my happiest
by the lake during summer time
I’m obsessed with
midday naps
Life is all about
learning about the most random topics (and the less random ones)
Work with me!
You think we’re a match like fresh coconut water and tropical summer?
Apply to work with me
It’s mellow, it’s easy and there are no strings attached (except for the ones tightening up my bikini, because #teambeach all the way ). What are you waiting for?